Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elroy Bryan Passes YCLA Baton to Collin Anglin

photo caption: 2010 YCLA recipient, Collin Anglin, has moved quickly with speaking to schools, taking over from 2009 YCLA recipient, Elroy Bryan, who set an impressive track record.
photo credit:

Elroy Bryan Passes YCLA Baton to Collin Anglin

After a very successful and busy year with speaking engagements, Elroy Bryan passed the YCLA baton over the the 2010 recipient, Collin Anglin. Both leaders are also athletes and have transitioned that dedication to set new track records for the Young Caymanian Leaders Foundation and the effectiveness with targeting youth with positive messages.

Recently, the two recipients of the YCLA met to get to know each other better, as well as for Mr. Bryan to share his experience with Mr. Anglin about his 2009 YCLA year.

Anyone who has had the honour to hear Mr. Bryan's motivational message would know that his soft words ring loudly and that his endearing 'call to action' can be hear through classrooms across the Cayman Islands.

In addition to being a full-time teacher at the Lighthouse School and dedicated father to a young family, Mr. Bryan managed to find the time to speak approximately once per week for his entire year to schools, churchs, service clubs or other community-based initiatives.

Mr. Bryan admitted that he "has never been as vocal as he has been in the last year and that he has grown a great deal from this opportunity to share his message". He continuously received thanks, support and encouragement from students, teachers and parents. "I was even approached and congratulated during everyday tasks such as picking up groceries." Always a gracious leader, Mr. Bryan made time for everyone interested in speaking with him.

When asked what advice he would give to Mr. Anglin, who is starting his own busy year, Mr. Bryan commented that " the main thing is to speak from the heart and to have a clear message that you feel that will hit home. We all have a stake in the Cayman Islands and we all have to do what we can to make the Cayman Islands great."

And they will.... Already, Mr. Anglin has spoken to over 3000 people, primarily youth within various schools. His goal is to reach every student within his YCLA year.

Mr. Anglin's calendar of speaking engagements is filling up very quickly and the youth are very receptive to his message. His delivery focuses on the importance of making good choices with the company that you keep and respecting other people's property.

For more information about the YCLA (Young Caymanian Leadership Awards) email Melissa Wolfe at
